10. Buying beautiful, authentic, "made in Italy" calf skin boots from the cutest little husband and wife
9. Having to walk through a vintage clothing store to get to my Fashion Design class every week. Talk about inspiration...
8. Natalie and I having to rinse our undies and socks in the shower AFTER washing them in the basketball sized washing machine we have because it left them sudsy and turned them brown...
7. Falling in love with the amazing work of a little, old local artist. And sitting on the floor of his hole in the wall, one room studio for almost an hour talking to him about his work and trying to pick just one of the 20 paintings I wanted to buy... I'm currently trying to work up the courage to go back and ask if I can paint with him.
6. Getting to learn the ways of the infamous Italian cuisine cooking delicious delicacies every week which we then get the reward of eating.
Crepes Florentine Style |
Coccole and Cecina Al Rosmarino |
5. Having a Chocolate fair a 5 minute walk away from our apartment for the past 2 weeks with about 20 tents full of everything you could ever imagine covered in every type of chocolate... I don't even like chocolate that much and I was in heaven.
4. Eating one of the most delicious yet simplistic treats of my life at the chocolate fair... fresh from the market strawberries with whipped cream and dark chocolate drizzled on top... Good thing I only discovered this the second to last day of the fair...
3. Spending a beautiful Friday wandering around Florence with my best friend and stumbling upon the city's endless hidden treasures like a roof top bar with an unbeatable view like this... (made that 4 euro cappuccino totally worth it)
2. Evidence that I am meant to attend school in Florence.... a cappaccino/ coffee vending machine in all the school buildings.... I guess T. Swift's request in the movie Valentines Day to have a cappuccino maker installed into the school wasn't that silly after all...
1. Thanking God every second of everyday for how blessed I am to have this incredible opportunity as I try to take advantage of it every single day.
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.
And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." -Colossians 3: 15-17